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  • 4 Surprising Secrets of the Law of Attraction

    4 Surprising Secrets of the Law of Attraction

    The basic rule of the Law of Attraction is that like attracts like. When you're in a healthy, successful mindset, you'll be healthier and more successful. Positive thinking is a powerful tool if you use it correctly. So, how do you do it?
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  • What Is The Mind Success Connection?

    What Is The Mind Success Connection?

    Much like the mind-body connection with which we have become so familiar
    In recent decades, our Mind Success Connection has awakened us to the
    vast subconscious field-the human mind can achieve literally whatever it
    believes it CAN.
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  • A Comparison of New Thought and Metaphysics

    A Comparison of New Thought and Metaphysics

    What is Metaphysics?

    Metaphysics is actually a somewhat new philosophy that has not been around in the world for an incredible amount of time. These beliefs have only been around for a little less than a century or so.

    Metaphysics is a set of beliefs about the mind that tend to transcend physics. These ideas are based on the recognition that the mind is a powerful entity with abilities even beyond what you can imagine that your mind can actually do.

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  • An Explanation of Metaphysics

    An Explanation of Metaphysics

    Focus on manifesting what you want in life, not what you want to avoid. Through the application of metaphysics, the higher power within can assist in physical materialization if it is aligned with your soul's purpose.
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  • Change your Mindset

    Perception Governs Reality

    When you are faced with a daunting task that you’ve never attempted before, focus on the potential for success, not on the possibilities for failure.  Break the job down into smaller elements and tackle each one separately. The only difference between success and failure in any job is your attitude toward it.

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  • Using Positive Self-Talk to Conquer Any Goal

    Using Positive Self-Talk to Conquer Any Goal

    Re-Programming Your Mind

    Affirmations are essentially positive statements that re-program your mind for the positive. The moment you have a self-defeating thought, you'll be able to counter the negative with a motivating statement. An example of a positive affirmation is: “I am worthy of great success” or “I see myself in the winner’s circle.”  What this does is replace negativity with thoughts that will help you move toward your goals instead of further away from them.

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  • Bio James Allen 1864 - 1912

    Bio James Allen 1864 - 1912

    He wrote for several magazines and newspapers and eventually became a full-time writer. Career and Writing In 1902, Allen published his first book, From Poverty to Power. The book was an instant success and sold more than a million copies. Several other books followed it, including The Path of Prosperity, The Mastery of Destiny, and As a Man Thinketh. As a Man Thinketh is Allen’s most famous work. 
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